Saturday, June 14, 2008

Oh- the Farm!

We loved going to the farm- packing you girls up on a Friday after work jumping in the car and driving to the farm. We went to the farm for years until it was sold but you girls starting going as young as 2- I think. Geniel was packing Kerrie around on her hip at the farm showing her the baby kittens in the barn or the baby rabbits that no one could touch. I have a picture of Geniel helping Kerrie feed a lamb and when Kerrie was to big to pack around then it was Holly's turn to be packed around on Geniel's hip. Grandpa and Grandma sure grew a good garden at the farm. I remember eating dinner one night and Dad said that everything on the table was a product of the farm. Dad always wore those gray blue coveralls and had a hankie hanging out of his back pocket to wipe his face. If he got real tired he'd send one of you kids to the house for a glass of ice water. Grandma taught me how to paint at the farm. We'd sit at the table for hours and paint pictures or tole paint- I loved it. Thanks, Mom, for teaching me how to paint. Grandma still has some of those pictures she painted at the farm and I know all the stuff from the farm is packed in her basement for everyone to dig through after she is gone and ask "Why did she keeps this?" Oh well- just so everyone knows I will NOT be carrying anything out of that basement. Back to the Farm- remember the pond that Grandpa had dug and the roaster that use to chase James around and around the pond as James yelled for Grandpa to come save him. The truth was Grandpa was watching and laughing from a distance- poor James. Oh, the farm always brings back good memories. Thanks girls for bring that up. I'll have Grandma post when she comes over this week. Love you

June 9, 2008 6:05 PM